NH 3.4.3M A Sof-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha
HP:236(282) Pw:270(440) AC:-44 L:25 T:
[++ )++ i+ 2-- P S+ D+ p $ t+ s++ W+ E PS-- PP
G+ C I++ Ps+ @W(6)w N++ !Y X+ So- Sp++ !sb !wb +0
The long version:
Back in the mists of time (September 2001) I managed to ascend Leela100, a Valkyrie (http://preview.tinyurl.com/5zmvpv). Since then I've been playing on and off, trying to ascend an elven wizard. Most wizards didn't get beyond level 10; a few qualified for the Quest, and I think one managed to beat the Dark One. I got bored with all this senseless murder of innocent wizards and gave up playing for a year or so. Got back into it about a month or two ago, and a lot more elven wizards started to clutter up the Mines of Menace.
This was the first wizard in ages to show some potential, so I slowed myself down and made liberal use of nethack.wikia.com to bone up on enemies before fighting (or running away from) them.
Sof went into the mines at full moon, so she could see where she was going. Armed with her knowledge of force bolt and sleep, and armed with a ring of increase accuracy and a bugle, she set off. The Gnomish Mines were to be found from level 2, which helped Sof avoid hunger, and she managed to find a bag of holding in one of the shops there. The Minetown altar was chaotic, as was a further altar on level 6, so Sof was soon wielding Magicbane. A monster had dropped a pair of speed boots, so Sof left her kitten behind somewhere around there. Sokoban provided a ring of slow digestion and another bag of holding.
It was around this point that the RNG smiled on Sof. A chaotic temple on the main branch of the dungeon was followed on the next few levels by a couple of throne rooms and an enormous leprechaun hall. This latter provided Sof with enough gold (who was L10 at the time) to get a naked AC of -9, while the second throne granted a wish (which went on a blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail). A few levels later a monster dropped a wand of wishing (0:3); Sof wished a few times for two blessed scrolls of charging but was only ever granted one. However, by now Sof was carrying a blessed luckstone from the mines and managed to find a lot of magic markers and scrolls of enchant armour. Wishes went on things like a T-shirt and spellbooks of polymorph and FoD.
An incubus on the Oracle level provided a number of very educational experiences, and Sof was soon summoned on the Quest, where she easily dispatched the Dark One. Armed with the Eye of the Tapioca Sof was becoming quite a menace in the Mines.
Things then started to slow down for Sof. Not yet ready to enter Gehennom she dawdled around for a bit, even clearing a level (which had a sink and an altar) ready for a spot of farming. However, she decided to boost her strength with some nurse dancing in Sokoban; she also decided she wanted to remember this adventure so genocided all h's. She never did settle down and start the farm in the end - itchy feet drove her downwards to Medusa's island and the Castle.
Somewhere along the line Sof became invisible, but could also see invisible, so didn't notice this until Izchak wouldn't let her into the shop to buy candles (of which he had 7).
Medusa was swiftly dispatched, and the Castle was immediately below; cone of cold dealt with the moat. Somewhere along the way Sof had found a +4 silver dagger which helped with the Valley of the Dead and Gehennom; up- and down-stairs were usually close to each other in Gehennom too, which made that pretty rapid. (A pick-axe cleared the way.) A lich appeared in a room somewhere; he, and all his L chums, bit the dust with a blessed scroll of genocide. (He was probably only a chameleon but it wasn't worth the risk!)
Sof had mislaid some of her spellbooks, so stashed those that she could find in Sokoban ready for a spot of light reading. Having found the bell and the fully populated candelabrum, and found the bottom level of Gehennom, she rashly killed the Wizard before locating the vibrating square. Fortunately he only bothered her once while trying to find it, and FoD meant he wasn't much bother either.
Once armed with the Amulet, Sof started her way back up to the surface. The mysterious force dumped her in unmapped bits of Gehennom three times - fortunately she had exactly three scrolls of magic mapping in her bags, which made life easy. The Wiz occasionally bothered her on the way up; he had an amulet of life saving a couple of times, but FoD did the trick. Sof nearly forgot to refresh her memory of spells near the top, and went back to Sokoban to do a little light reading. She got back to level 1, checked the amulet would still not go back in the bag, and ascended to the Plane of Earth (forgetting that she'd left Sting and Frost Brand back in Sokoban).
There was Rodney ready to meet her. It was at exactly this point that Sof found her knowledge of FoD growing faint! It was just about strong enough to dispatch the Wiz for the sixth and final time. Without realising it Sof was down to only 56HP; a quick draught of full healing later she was restored to her full 282HP, never to feel so weak again. A single scroll of gold detection helped to find the magic portal, and there were just about enough charges in her magic markers to find the remaining portals. The portal on Fire was only a few steps away! On arriving in Water Sof decided to genocide all ;'s, just in case, and soon she arrived on the Astral Plane.
Taking a look around Sof decided she had lots of food and so tackled the altar guarded by Famine first. Shortly after opening the door she found she'd forgotten how to cast cure sickness along with a bunch of other spells! Famine died twice on the way to the altar; he was revived a third time but by then the priests had summoned too many ants for Famine to get anywhere near Sof. Hahaha!
Lo and behold, the high priest of Anhur was waiting at this temple to greet Sof, who ended up waiting at the altar for a few hours while I managed to compile a version of NetHack with the dump patch included! [Blew my logfile away in the process, oh well, there wasn't much impressive there anyway].
Hmm, wonder what to try for the next six and a half years?
You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Anhur...
An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance...
The voice of Anhur booms: "Congratulations, mortal!"
"In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!"
You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...
Sof, chaotic female elven Wizard
A 3
| A|.......| |
|. ----A---- .|
-aaa @a
----- 4 4a 15
| 54 111
- -- %%
| -- %%
--- ----.----
| %
Sof the Necromancer St:18 Dx:18 Co:16 In:19 Wi:20 Ch:13 Chaotic
Astral Plane $:0 HP:236(282) Pw:270(440) AC:-44 Xp:25/50027057 T:
61213 Satiated
Your inventory
S - the blessed Eye of the Aethiopica (being worn)
a - the blessed rustproof +0 Magicbane (weapon in hand)
u - a blessed +4 silver dagger (alternate weapon; not wielded)
b - a blessed +4 pair of speed boots (being worn)
c - a blessed fireproof +4 T-shirt (being worn)
d - a blessed +5 silver dragon scale mail (being worn)
e - a blessed fireproof +3 robe (being worn)
f - a blessed fireproof +3 pair of leather gloves (being worn)
g - a blessed greased fireproof +7 elven leather helm (being worn)
h - a blessed fireproof +4 small shield (being worn)
m - an uncursed partly eaten food ration
L - an uncursed lizard corpse named Fred
W - the uncursed Book of the Dead
o - an uncursed ring of regeneration
s - an uncursed ring of levitation
v - an uncursed +1 ring of increase accuracy // started
with this!
D - an uncursed ring of shock resistance
J - an uncursed ring of conflict
Z - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand)
i - a wand of digging (0:3)
j - a cursed wand of digging (0:5)
t - a wand of digging (0:6)
N - a wand of digging (0:5)
O - a wand of digging (0:2)
Y - a wand of secret door detection (0:3)
l - an uncursed magic lamp (lit)
x - a blessed stethoscope // wasted a wish on this, when
there was one on the next level
B - a blessed greased bag of holding
C - a blessed bag of holding
E - a blessed magic marker (0:61)
K - an uncursed skeleton key
P - an uncursed towel
U - a +0 unicorn horn
q - a blessed luckstone
Contents of the bag of holding:
a can of grease (1:5)
a magic marker (0:2)
a magic marker (0:2)
a blessed magic marker (0:15)
an uncursed C-ration
an uncursed K-ration
4 uncursed food rations
5 blessed +0 daggers
a wand of wishing (1:2)
a wand of locking (0:3)
an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves
a +0 pick-axe
a +0 unicorn horn
2 uncursed sprigs of wolfsbane
an uncursed C-ration
an uncursed amulet of life saving
a blessed potion of extra healing
a +1 dagger
an uncursed +0 oilskin cloak
a wand of death (0:3)
a wand of fire (0:3)
a cursed amulet of restful sleep
a wand of death (0:7)
2 blessed scrolls of blank paper
an uncursed ring of invisibility
a wand of magic missile (0:7)
a wand of magic missile (0:8)
a wand of fire (0:6)
a wand of digging (0:3)
a wand of death (0:3)
a wand of digging (0:8)
an uncursed stethoscope
a wand of speed monster (0:5)
an uncursed +2 mummy wrapping
a blessed +3 helmet
an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots
6 potions of holy water
the rustproof +0 Dragonbane
a blessed luckstone
a wand of digging (0:3)
a wand of fire (0:3)
3 uncursed potions of healing
3 uncursed diluted potions of extra healing
an uncursed agate stone
a blessed ring of teleport control
2 uncursed potions of extra healing
an uncursed scroll of destroy armor
a wand of digging (0:4)
a wand of magic missile (0:7)
a wand of digging (0:8)
a blessed wand of fire (0:6)
a wand of fire (0:8)
a wand of sleep (0:7)
an uncursed ring of cold resistance
an uncursed ring of cold resistance
a cursed potion of extra healing
a cursed potion of paralysis
a cursed scroll of create monster
a cursed scroll of fire
a blessed scroll of identify
a blessed wand of polymorph (0:3)
an uncursed potion of gain ability
a blessed potion of sickness
3 uncursed potions of extra healing
2 uncursed potions of oil
4 uncursed scrolls of confuse monster
4 uncursed scrolls of fire
3 uncursed scrolls of earth
a blessed scroll of earth
2 uncursed scrolls of food detection
a blessed scroll of fire
a cursed scroll of enchant weapon
a wand of cold (0:6)
a wand of create monster (0:11)
a rustproof wand of digging (0:8)
a wand of cold (0:5)
a wand of teleportation (0:6)
a wand of cold (0:5)
2 uncursed potions of fruit juice
2 uncursed potions of object detection
a blessed potion of full healing
an uncursed potion of see invisible
a wand of magic missile (0:7)
a cursed wand of make invisible (0:5)
a wand of undead turning (0:4)
an uncursed ring of poison resistance
a cursed -1 ring of protection
5 uncursed citrine stones
an uncursed worthless piece of blue glass
a wand of teleportation (0:6)
a wand of lightning (0:6)
a wand of digging (0:5)
a rustproof wand of digging (0:5)
a wand of create monster (0:12)
a wand of lightning (0:5)
a wand of make invisible (0:7)
a wand of striking (0:6)
2 uncursed diamonds
an uncursed topaz stone
an uncursed amethyst stone
a wand of magic missile (0:6)
a wand of cold (0:7)
a wand of striking (0:3)
a wand of striking (0:7)
a wand of striking (0:4)
a blessed wand of teleportation (0:4)
Contents of the bag of holding:
a magic marker (0:6)
an uncursed spellbook of cone of cold // forgot I had this,
forgot the spell too
an uncursed +0 pair of speed boots
a wand of digging (0:3)
an uncursed amulet of life saving
a blessed +1 T-shirt
a wand of fire (0:4)
a wand of sleep (0:4)
a rusty wand of digging (0:3)
a wand of cold (0:3)
6 uncursed K-rations
a wand of digging (0:4)
a wand of magic missile (0:7)
a wand of digging (0:8)
an uncursed amulet of magical breathing // wore this a LOT earlier
in the game
8 uncursed food rations
7 uncursed C-rations
a cursed wand of fire (0:7)
an uncursed ring of conflict
an uncursed mirror
Final attributes
You were piously aligned
Your alignment was 316
You were fire resistant
You were cold resistant
You were sleep resistant
You were disintegration-resistant
You were shock resistant
You were poison resistant
You were magic-protected
You saw invisible
You were telepathic
You were warned
You had infravision
You were invisible to others
You could teleport
You had teleport control
You had slower digestion
You were protected
You were very fast
You had reflection
You were very lucky (9)
You had extra luck
Good luck did not time out for you
You survived
Spells known in the end
Name Level Category Fail
a - force bolt 1 attack 0%
b - sleep 1* enchantment 0%
c - detect food 2 divination 0%
d - stone to flesh 3* healing 0%
e - confuse monster 2* enchantment 0%
f - magic missile 2 attack 0%
g - charm monster 3* enchantment 0%
h - create monster 2 clerical 0%
i - cone of cold 4* attack 0%
j - finger of death 7* attack 0%
k - wizard lock 2* matter 0%
l - create familiar 6 clerical 53%
m - identify 3 divination 0%
n - detect treasure 4 divination 0%
o - haste self 3 escape 0%
p - cure blindness 2* healing 0%
q - detect monsters 1* divination 0%
r - cure sickness 3* healing 0%
s - healing 1* healing 0%
t - invisibility 4 escape 32%
u - fireball 4 attack 0%
v - restore ability 4 healing 0%
w - polymorph 6 matter 0%
x - remove curse 3 clerical 0%
y - clairvoyance 3 divination 0%
z - jumping 1 escape 0%
A - cause fear 3 enchantment 0%
B - light 1 divination 0%
C - extra healing 3 healing 0%
D - cancellation 7 matter 32%
E - slow monster 2 enchantment 0%
F - turn undead 6 clerical 53%
Vanquished creatures
Juiblex // oops, meant to keep him around for the ascent - never
did find the upstairs from his level, c!oGL did the trick!
The Wizard of Yendor (6 times) // never had the chance to double-
trouble me
Famine (twice)
a high priest
3 mastodons
17 krakens
5 iron golems
2 storm giants
a titan
3 glass golems
2 balrogs
6 purple worms
a silver dragon
6 red dragons
4 white dragons
2 orange dragons
6 black dragons
4 blue dragons
2 green dragons
a yellow dragon
14 minotaurs
5 jabberwocks
The Dark One
6 baluchitheria
an Angel
Vlad the Impaler
5 stone golems
2 master mind flayers
7 Olog-hai
a Nazgul
5 pit fiends
3 hell hounds
6 titanotheres
a baby gray dragon
a baby white dragon
a baby black dragon
a baby blue dragon
a baby green dragon
a baby yellow dragon
2 guardian nagas
7 disenchanters
32 vampire lords
5 skeletons
13 aligned priests
6 captains
6 shades
a lich
2 clay golems
4 nurses
6 ice devils
4 nalfeshnees
6 lurkers above
an Aleax
6 frost giants
2 ettins
4 golden nagas
5 black puddings
36 vampires
7 lieutenants
37 ghosts
a cavewoman
a tourist
a queen bee
a winged gargoyle
6 giant mimics
10 zruties
4 fire giants
4 ogre kings
13 rock trolls
7 umber hulks
2 flesh golems
4 doppelgangers
12 hezrous
10 bone devils
9 large mimics
7 wumpuses
2 fire vortices
2 baby long worms
10 long worms
10 couatls
9 stalkers
2 air elementals
6 fire elementals
7 earth elementals
7 water elementals
5 hill giants
2 giant mummies
2 black nagas
16 xorns
31 giant zombies
4 elf-lords
19 sergeants
7 barbed devils
5 vrocks
2 salamanders
14 wargs
a winter wolf
3 hell hound pups
38 small mimics
3 glass piercers
8 warhorses
7 steam vortices
15 xans
4 ettin mummies
6 ogre lords
8 quantum mechanics
17 trolls
4 sasquatches
3 wood golems
3 erinyes
4 mariliths
8 sharks
14 electric eels
8 gelatinous cubes
5 pyrolisks
7 large dogs
3 freezing spheres
14 flaming spheres
9 shocking spheres
3 large cats
15 tigers
13 gargoyles
6 dwarf kings
11 tengu
9 ochre jellies
14 leocrottas
11 energy vortices
a stone giant
4 elf mummies
10 human mummies
a red naga
5 green slimes
5 pit vipers
8 pythons
7 cobras
34 wraiths
3 carnivorous apes
13 ettin zombies
3 leather golems
37 soldiers
9 horned devils
5 succubi
5 incubi
6 chameleons
2 crocodiles
14 giant beetles
6 quivering blobs
25 cockatrices
18 wolves
11 winter wolf cubs
3 lynxes
4 panthers
16 gremlins
4 spotted jellies
61 leprechauns
8 orc-captains
8 iron piercers
6 mumakil
22 giant spiders
4 scorpions
9 horses
3 black lights
64 vampire bats
3 forest centaurs
8 gnome kings
7 orc mummies
a dwarf mummy
3 ogres
4 brown puddings
7 rust monsters
14 owlbears
7 yetis
8 gold golems
9 werewolves
6 piranhas
19 giant eels
20 lizards
8 chickatrices
3 dogs
3 dingos
4 housecats
8 jaguars
6 dwarf lords
6 blue jellies
6 white unicorns
5 gray unicorns
a black unicorn
4 dust vortices
17 ravens
4 plains centaurs
3 gnome mummies
5 snakes
14 apes
19 human zombies
4 rope golems
22 soldier ants
10 fire ants
6 bugbears
4 imps
10 lemures
9 quasits
4 wood nymphs
2 water nymphs
6 mountain nymphs
10 Mordor orcs
26 Uruk-hai
2 orc shamans
14 rock piercers
4 rock moles
a woodchuck
9 ponies
5 fog clouds
11 yellow lights
5 shriekers
7 violet fungi
26 gnome lords
7 gnomish wizards
3 kobold mummies
a red naga hatchling
3 black naga hatchlings
3 golden naga hatchlings
a guardian naga hatchling
6 gray oozes
7 barrow wights
9 elf zombies
7 ghouls
a straw golem
a paper golem
8 jellyfish
a baby crocodile
18 giant ants
a little dog
11 floating eyes
5 kittens
28 dwarves
3 homunculi
a kobold lord
4 kobold shamans
13 hill orcs
8 rothes
4 rabid rats
4 centipedes
16 giant bats
2 monkeys
18 orc zombies
24 dwarf zombies
3 wererats
10 iguanas
58 killer bees
7 acid blobs
a coyote
3 gas spores
13 hobbits
16 manes
2 large kobolds
13 hobgoblins
10 giant rats
18 cave spiders
5 brown molds
5 yellow molds
5 green molds
2 red molds
72 gnomes
8 garter snakes
11 gnome zombies
11 geckos
14 jackals
a fox
4 kobolds
5 goblins
6 sewer rats
11 grid bugs
13 bats
7 lichens
11 kobold zombies
10 newts
2308 creatures vanquished.
Genocided species:
dwarf lords
dwarf kings
mind flayers
master mind flayers
master liches
giant eels
electric eels
17 species genocided.
Voluntary challenges
You genocided 17 types of monsters
You polymorphed 115 items // and never got much for the trouble,
You never changed form
You used 12 wishes
You did not wish for any artifacts
Your skills at the end
Fighting Skills
bare handed combat [Basic]
Weapon Skills
dagger [Expert]
quarterstaff [Basic]
Spellcasting Skills
attack spells [Expert]
healing spells [Basic]
divination spells [Skilled]
enchantment spells [Skilled]
clerical spells [Basic]
matter spells [Skilled]
Latest messages
Restoring save file...
Hello Sof, the elven Wizard, welcome back to NetHack!
Be careful! New moon tonight.
You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Anhur...
An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance...
The voice of Anhur booms: "Congratulations, mortal!"
"In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!"
You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...
Goodbye Sof the Demigoddess...
You went to your reward with 3258680 points,
Magicbane (worth 3500 zorkmids and 8750 points)
Dragonbane (worth 500 zorkmids and 1250 points)
The Eye of the Aethiopica (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points)
5 citrine stones (worth 7500 zorkmids),
2 diamonds (worth 8000 zorkmids),
1 topaz stone (worth 900 zorkmids),
1 amethyst stone (worth 600 zorkmids),
1 agate stone (worth 200 zorkmids),
1 worthless piece of colored glass,
2 amulets of life saving (worth 300 zorkmids),
1 amulet of restful sleep (worth 150 zorkmids),
1 amulet of magical breathing (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 0 pieces of gold, after 61213 moves.
Killer: ascended
You were level 25 with a maximum of 282 hit points when you ascended.
You made the top ten list!
No Points Name
Hp [max]
1 3258680 Sof-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood.
236 [282]
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